Date: May 23, 2020 ()

Bible Text: First Reading: ACTS 18:23-28; Gospel: JN 16:23B-28 |


But by their support for each other, the gospel was preached with a little ease despite resistance and horrible persecution.

One of the episodes of Fr. John’s Operation Safe Mode is a tribute to the ministry of the deacons and the sacristans who are particularly serving our two churches here in Irwin. One most important thing I’d like to say coming from my own experience is that these ministries not only helped but also enhanced the ministry of our priesthood. We have smooth, orderly, and beautiful liturgical celebrations even through these difficult times of the pandemic because of your generous availability for the Lord and the dedication to serve Him. Fr. John and I very well know our limitations if we do our ministry by our own. But many things work for the best because of the deacon and the sacristans’ ministry.

We are reminded in our first reading today of the importance of sharing our ministry and working with one another. We are told that Paul continued his journey through the Galatian countryside and then through Phrygia, encouraging all the followers. A Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, an eloquent speaker and an authority on Scriptures, after hearing further instructions in the faith, began to preach in the synagogue and wanted to cross Achaia. Aquila and Pricilla offered Paul accommodation in Corinth and then took pains in explaining accurately to Apollo the Ways of God while in Ephesus. When Apollo arrived in Corinth he was welcomed by the believers. What a wonderful church - supporting and encouraging one another in a whole variety of ways.

However, we are very much aware of the difficulties the early Christians went through in their work of spreading the good news. But by their support for each other, the gospel was preached with a little ease, though, despite resistance and horrible persecution.

Today, the life of our faith is very much impacted by the recent pandemic. The same challenge stands before us. We need to work together in this critical moment of the reopening of our churches. May our concerted efforts encourage everyone to come back and give assurance to others that it is now safe and okay to pray in our churches. We need cooperation and collaboration to overcome this test.