
About ICAdmin

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So far ICAdmin has created 46 blog entries.

GriefShare Support Group

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we invite you to join us for GriefShare, a special 13-week support group designed to help you rebuild your life. The program is designed to create a place for grieving people to find comfort and encouragement after a loved [...]

2023-08-21T00:46:44-04:00August 20, 2022|Latest News|

St. Peregrine Conference

God’s Blessings bestowed upon us! On July 11 & 12 at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, we held a two-day conference in honor of Saint Peregrine as our intercessor for cancer patients. The two-day event allowed me to share with others, who were participating in Cancer, thoughts on how to [...]

2022-08-02T21:47:32-04:00July 19, 2022|Pastor's Notes|

Donum Vitae: The Gift of Life

  A PASTORAL LETTER ON THE CATHOLIC CHURCH’S POSITION ON PRO-LIFE ISSUES Bishop Larry J. Kulick By now, you have heard that a decision has been rendered by the United States Supreme Court on the Dobbs v. Jackson Health case, on a six to three vote, overturning the [...]

2022-06-24T17:29:51-04:00June 24, 2022|Pastor's Notes|

Come Back to Me

As the pandemic restrictions are being lifted, we now can safely step out of our quarantine mentality and return to a "New Normal!" Let's make the first "real" step to be of faith in the direction of worship and community life at the table of the Lord! JESUS IS CALLING [...]

2021-06-23T17:03:52-04:00June 23, 2021|Pastor's Notes|

St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Many know her as the "little flower" and for her "little way" spirituality. Since her canonization in 1925 many churches and homes have been adorned with her statue in honor of the many promises and favors that were answered through her prayer and example. Please find a brief biography of [...]

2020-10-01T22:04:13-04:00October 1, 2020|Pastor's Notes|
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