
About ICAdmin

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So far ICAdmin has created 46 blog entries.

The High School Years

Walk down memory lane with Fr. John as he shares his high school years and the influences that helped shape him into the man and priest that he is today. You will also learn about Saint Joesph High School, the faculty and staff, the class of 1979, and how [...]

2020-05-02T01:08:29-04:00May 1, 2020|Pastor's Notes|

Open the door and let Him in!

Yesterday we looked at the book of revelation and saw that it is not scary to those who are faith-filled disciples through times of great trial and testing. Like now during this pandemic, we who look to the Lord will be raised up in faith, courage, and love. We will [...]

2020-04-24T22:50:53-04:00April 24, 2020|Pastor's Notes|

Is the Book of Revelation Scary?

Not for those who hold in Truth the Risen Christ!! The book of revelation also known as the apocalypse or end times is always read with fear and trembling! But the reality of the book is a message of hope for all who live under the seal of Baptism and [...]

2020-04-23T23:22:55-04:00April 23, 2020|Pastor's Notes|

“Give the Devil his due”

This saying seems to give the devil credit for the brokenness of our world. To give him some kind of reign and sovereignty over our sinful nature; the world around us and political power. For it is true that the devil tempts us and distracts us from our Divine calling [...]

2020-04-21T10:01:09-04:00April 21, 2020|Pastor's Notes|
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