Let’s celebrate Father Roniel’s final days with us!
I cannot even begin to think about what it will be like when Father Roniel leaves us to return to his home diocese in the Philippines. He has been more than an “assistant” priest to our parish family, for he has been our co-pastor and a good shepherd.
Father Roniel, to me, has been a true brother and friend! I have never served with a priest that has taught me so much and has been a true partner in ministry. We know what he did for us all while I was struggling with my health. Life will not be the same and it saddens me to think of his departure, but we must prepare by planning to celebrate with him to show our love and appreciation!
Let’s plan to celebrate in thanksgiving his time with us in both parishes!
All parishioners of each parish are invited to celebrate at one or both of the events for Father Roniel. We scheduled one on a Sunday afternoon and one during the week in order to give a chance for everyone to wish him farewell:
- Sunday, May 21 at 11:30 a.m.
Mass at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton; Reception after Mass until 3 p.m.
Sign-up sheets are available on the counter in the back of the church (SEAS) or call the parish office at 724-864-6364 to RSVP. - Tuesday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m.
Mass at Immaculate Conception; Reception after Mass until 9 p.m.
If you are planning on attending the reception, kindly RSVP to the IC parish office by Friday, May 19 by calling 724-863-9550.