October 10, 2020 @ 7:00 am – 7:45 am
Our Lady's Plaza

Lectio Divina

Because of COVID-19, our normal Saturday and Sunday morning Immaculata Men’s Group and Immaculata Women’s Group have been put on hold. With the number of people who can gather and the very nature of our group discussion format, we are waiting until January to resume.

But in the meantime, we are inviting all men and women to join us for a Lectio Divina prayer hour in Our Lady’s Plaza. We will meet each Saturday at 7 a.m. The time will be revisited when the IMG and IWG groups resume meeting.

Lectio Divina is a way to prepare for Sunday’s Gospel and to pray and reflect on its meaning. We will conclude the prayer session in time for 8 a.m. Mass.

In order to plan for safe distancing, please contact Betsy Sanger at the parish office at 724-863-9550 if you plan to attend. However, all will be welcome.

Because of the nature of this type of prayer, we will be able to keep social distancing and maintain safe practices.