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February 26, 2024 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Immaculate Conception Church
The music ministry will be hosting a Lenten Music Series on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. during Lent. This series will allow a chance for prayer and highlight the music of the season as we prepare our hearts and minds for the resurrection.
The first and last week will feature Taize prayer services, a simple and meditative form of prayer with repeated refrains, sacred silence, and short readings to focus the mind on Christ’s presence in our lives. There will also be an organ recital by Kevin Litzinger, assistant organist at St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Pittsburgh, and a recital by Bridget Deveney, our director of music featuring Lenten organ voluntaries.
We hope that you can join us!