Life certainly can be challenging at times, and there is no way to get around that! Our problem is that, way too often, we feel that life’s challenges overwhelm us until that’s all we can see. When we allow that to happen, we totally miss out on the goodness that surrounds us. We can never deny that all our lives are graced by God’s goodness, in spite of the conflicts and challenges we face. Lent will soon be upon us. What better time to stop and reflect on the goodness of life and the many ways that God’s grace enriches us all.
Our parish and the people of our community greatly benefit from the annual Diocesan Lenten Appeal (DLA). The theme for this year’s campaign is “A Time to Share.” So, this year, I wanted to share with you the many ways God’s goodness impacts the missions and ministries of our parish, through Faith Formation and Youth Ministry, Priestly Vocations, International Priests, Homebound and Nursing Home Ministry, and Catholic Charities, just to name a few. When you think about it, A Time to Share is the best way to look at the DLA, because that is what it is what we are supposed to be about—sharing who we are in spite of the challenges we face.
Last year our church celebrated 100 years of welcoming people into the faith. Try to imagine the many people Immaculate Conception has served throughout that time. The many pastors, parochial vicars and staff of this parish have shared the love of Christ with each of those people. That is what we are all about, and that is what we should share with everyone who comes through our doors. Faith is all about our service to one another, bringing the presence of Christ to everyone we meet.
Last year through the DLA, people throughout the Diocese brought in more than $6 million! That amounts to an awful lot of sharing in Christ’s work. Our parish alone raised $261,611, with $110,600 returned to us, assessment free. From that money we were able to upgrade some office equipment, install the electronic sign and paint the doors in the parish center. Believe me, I am grateful to all of you for your generosity.
This year, I would like to look at our building after 100 years and see what needs to be updated using the money we raise in excess of our goal. Because of people like you, we will see to it that our church is here as a welcoming community for another 100 years!
I hope this Lenten Season will present us with many ways to share. I humbly ask you to support God’s work and make a gift to this year’s campaign at DioceseofGreensburg.org/DLA2025 so that we can continue to be a place where people can always come and experience the love of God. Remember, when making a donation online, you can choose to make a one-time gift or select the option for recurring gifts. If you would like to make a pledge gift, please mail in your Pledge Card.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Michael Crookston
Our DLA Stewardship
Listed below is a summary of parish projects that were paid for with funds raised through your participation in past Diocesan Lenten Appeals.
- Terrazzo flooring in the church
- New electronic sign
- Church front doors and outside masonry work
- Upgraded information technology in the administration building
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Development of Immaculate Conception Cemetery: add new signage, visitation parking, trees, and ground cover throughout the cemetery; the addition of our new columbarium for cremains and the development of the new sections
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Renovations & upgrades to our church organ hardware and software system
- Replacing three of our church exterior doors
- Installing parking lot lighting
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Refurbished church pews
- Replaced pew & kneeler cushions
- Brickwork on Admin Building steps
- Addressed long-standing water problem in Our Lady’s Plaza
- Repaired the Regional Senior Youth Building
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Installed a new HVAC system and upgrade the antiquated electrical system on the 3rd floor of the Administration building
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Church video and sound system upgrade
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Air Conditioning installed in Our Lady’s Plaza
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Paving of back and lower parking lots
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- New kitchen floor installed in Our Lady’s Plaza
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- New tables for Our Lady’s Plaza
- Chapel lighting replaced
- Saint Vincent De Paul – $10,000 donation
- Reconstruct and pave main parking lot
- New church A/C units
- Our Lady’s Plaza LED screen